① 救美
◇再次与流浪汉对话,选项是随机出现的,只要选那个辱骂他激怒他的就可以,最后选择【Goshower, you stink】→【(肯定句)】
② 筹钱
◇找Sebastian【Talk about the restaurant】
◇去地铁,进入【琴行(Raspail)】,与【售货员】对话【I want to hire apiano…】→【Canwe do a deal on the price?】
◇回到办公室再次找上司【I will sign the agreement】
◇再次回到琴行找售货员【I got the money for thepiano...】
① 诬陷
◇与【Cecile】进行对话→【Earn her trust】→(问答顺序)13 2 2 3 1 1 3→【Talkabout Sebastian】→【Talkabout Kevin】→进行剩下的对话
◇与【Pablo】进行对话→【Talk about the plotagainst Kevin】
◇找Kevin【Would you have a USB key…】→【Quizon】→
1. Football is like a chess only without a dice: Lukas Podalski
2. A footbal match is played with three referees so error isthree times: Guy Roax
3. To get to the penalty area and not able to take a shot islike dancing with your sister: Diego Maradona
4. When the seagulls follow the trawler is because theythink their sadness will be thrown to the sea: Eric Cantona
5. It's not an open secret, everyone k about it now:Manu Petit
6. 4th of May 1949, Turin, Italy: (空难)
7. 1990 World Cup Italy vs Argentina: He forgot to check hiswatch
8. Highest score in football history: 149-0
9. 1950 World Cup Brazil: The rules forbade teams fromplaying barefoot
10. Why are there eleven players in a football team: …somethingto do with dormitories in English public school
◇去上司的办公室告发Kevin【Sorry to disturb you】→【Tosell them on the net】
◇与Cecile对话【Talk about Kevin gettingfired】
① 癖好
◇再次和Ruby对话【I heard the doorbell ring】,拿到房间后面的【清洁剂】,动开关让【受虐狂(slave)】降下来,把在Kevin家拿到的漏斗放在他嘴里,把清洁剂倒在漏斗里,等Ruby回来
◇与正在撞墙的Ruby对话→【I have an idea】
② 等待
◇与Sebastian对话后,回到餐厅找Elma【Give her the present】
◇回到服务生那里倾诉【The singer’s already left?】